✨🎨 Every sentient being carries a brittle spot within themselves. A place where the hurt lies and the heartbreak sits. The same thing also counts for the planet herself. Earth. Our home. Our mother. What shall we do with this spot within ourselves? Is running away from it any longer an option? There comes a time when we no longer close our eyes, numb out, or run away. We are willing to face these depths. This place of hurt holds so much energy! Within it lies immense power. And there we will find our strength, our purity and soul. Untouched. In the act of reclaiming our most vulnerable spots, we are reborn. The resurrection. Mother Earth is doing this right now through us. She is willing to reclaim herself. Her hurt becomes our pain. In the human mind, it translates as a longing to return. A craving to come home and finally arrive. Let's follow this craving on the inside and see wherever it will lead us.
93 x 72cm
"Eine neue Umlaufbahn"